Consent Management

Consent Management

Consent Management Solutions

Creating personalised user experiences while respecting consumer privacy is a growing challenge for brands as modern privacy regulations, digital platforms and tools evolve. Consumers are increasingly becoming privacy conscious. In response, businesses must increase transparency with data collection and usage, provide choice for consent and marketing preferences, and build trust by enforcing consent downstream into their technology stacks.

Consent Management Solutions

Creating personalised user experiences while respecting consumer privacy is a growing challenge for brands as modern privacy regulations, digital platforms and tools evolve. Consumers are increasingly becoming privacy conscious. In response, businesses must increase transparency with data collection and usage, provide choice for consent and marketing preferences, and build trust by enforcing consent downstream into their technology stacks.

Implementation that supports growth

Organisations with Consent and Preference Management systems in place are more likely to report positive increases year on year in engagement rates, customer database size, sales revenue, sign-ups, and opt-in rates.

The Data Privacy Group implements a Consent Management solution, powered by OneTrust that provides a comprehensive system for capturing, managing, and maximising consent opt-ins, while automating global compliance with CCPA, GDPR, ePrivacy, DAA Ad Choices and other laws and frameworks across web, mobile, and CTV applications.

Contact The Data Privacy Group to learn how to honour and act on your customer’s most recent consent and preference choices in real-time.

Consent and preference management systems

All too often, badly implemented cookie consent management solutions result in a drop in website traffic resulting in a corresponding drop in top-line revenue. We have seen companies with reductions in traffic of between 20% and 50% following the completion of their traditional cookie consent project. 

The Data Privacy Group’s Cookie Consent solution, layered on top of OneTrust’s cookie consent module, creates a globally aware framework designed to engage users to get their consent only when needed.

For our customers that came to us because they were experiencing reductions in traffic, we were able, in some cases, to bring the recorded traffic levels back up to 97% of their previous levels.

Your Cookie Consent solution will be future proofed to cope with emerging regulations and standards. Through our management and support option we ensure the system is updated as needed, to ensure compliance, without the need for website modifications by your web developers. The Data Privacy Group is your trusted partner that keeps you ahead of the global regulators without risking business critical insights.

Mobile App Consent & Preference Management

To process personal data via a mobile app, the app provider (in their role as data controllers) must have a valid legal basis. For many organisations, this means processing is based on the freely given and informed consent of the user, which should be documented to help evidence compliance. The Data Privacy Group’s Mobile App Consent solution, layered on the OneTrust platform, helps organisations collect and document valid consent through mobile apps.

Our mobile app consent solution:

Leverages flexible methods to collect consent within your application

Maintains a database of consent receipts

Provides real-time marketing dashboards and metrics

Provides an understanding of the overall effectiveness of your consent program

Synchronises consent records across technology systems

Offers publishers a solution to remain compliant with targeted advertising or other data processing requirements.

Consent Rate Optimisation

The challenge for website and mobile app developers is to design their UX to deliver dynamic digital experiences while also maximising opt-in rates.

The Data Privacy Group implements a Consent Rate Optimisation solution powered by OneTrust that ensures you can personalise user experiences while, at the same time, respecting consumer privacy and reducing consent fatigue.

A/B Testing
Template Targeting
Authenticated Consent

Our Consent Management Consultants will work with you to:

  • Experiment with template designs including colours, layouts, text, and more, using A/B testing to determine which variant generates the highest conversions
  • Easily identify the winning creative and deploy to one or multiple sites
  • Measure consent rates and view detailed dashboards and analytics to easily view the highest performing design
  • Iterate to maximise opt-ins


Our Consent Management Consultants will work with you to:

  • Deliver specific templates to the website visitors or mobile app users using logic and attributes based on behaviour and content 
  • Segment audiences within a single domain to deliver a thoughtful and relevant consent experience
  • Collect limited information to deliver a compliant, personalised experience or set values based on context

Our Consent Management Consultants will work with you to:

  • Reduce consent fatigue through synchronisation of consent for known users across all Web, Mobile, and OTT applications—without relying on third-party cookies.
  • Conduct a “cookie-less” sync for consent and preferences across devices to avoid a jarring experience for known end-users 
  • Sync with ID Solutions to identify the end-user after consent is given on the first property interaction

With The Data Privacy Group, you'll always get...

Fast-track to compliance

Scaleable processes

Round the clock support

Instant expert help

No nasty surprises

Reduce your time to value