Facebook data breach affects millions of user accounts around the world. | NEWS UPDATE In a statement on Friday, Facebook said the recent security data breach affected 30 million users. The new figure is approximately 20 million less than the numbers first announced last month. Among the 30 million users impacted, 14 million had their...Read More
Morrisons data leak – Thousands to receive compensation payouts in landmark judgement. | Retail giant appeals against compensation judgement. Morrisons is appealing against a landmark data breach case, after a court found the firm to be “vicariously liable”. Last year, the High Court ruled that the retailer was liable for the release of personal information...Read More
Conservative Party data breach discovered in conference app. A columnist for The Guardian newspaper has highlighted a security breach involving personal data on the Conservative Party’s conference app. Among other’s the BBC was able to gain access to private details of delegates attending the event. MPs including Boris Johnson had their phone numbers and other...Read More
Express Consent – When is the provision of an email address not sufficient? A German court has ruled that merely providing an email address during an online transaction does not constitute express consent. In order to rely on an existing business relationship exemption, it is not sufficient that a similar product is included in the...Read More
Lawful basis for processing personal data : Gibraltar On August 30, 2018 The Gibraltar Regulatory Authority published a guidance document entitled (6) Identifying the ‘Lawful Basis’. The document provides clarification that organizations cannot rely on a legal basis that requires data processing to be “necessary” if it can reasonably achieve the same purpose without the...Read More
Pensions related cold calling : UK Treasury proposes amendments to the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations (PECR). Ban on cold calling in relation to pensions Back in December of 2016 the UK government launched a consultation on the banning of cold calling relating to pension schemes. The vast majority of respondents strongly supported the government’s...Read More
Czech Data Protection Authority : Parental consent when processing pupils’ personal data. A school in the Czech Republic has been fined by the country’s Data Protection Authority. The penalty was imposed for processing pupils’ data without parental consent. An investigation into processing of personal data was conducted at the primary school, following a complaint submitted...Read More
Democrats push for stronger privacy laws like the EU’s GDPR to combat problems with Big Tech firms A 23-page policy paper obtained by Axios reveals a raft of plans by Senator Mark Warner to address problems posed by Big Tech companies in the United States. The proposed plans range from putting a price on individual...Read More
20 May, 2018 : BT fined by ICO for sending marketing emails without consent. The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) has fined British Telecommunications plc (BT) £77,000 after the company was discovered to have sent almost 5 million nuisance emails to its customers. The ICO investigation found that BT had broken the law, by sending direct...Read More